Tagging = function(context) { this.site = 'eoldal'; this.zone = 'szemelyes-csaladi'; this.protocol = window.location.protocol; this.autodetect_url = this.protocol + '//cts.p24.hu/service/detect/'; this.context = context; this.positions = {}; this.positions_weighted = {}; this.positions['head'] = '[{\"service_name\": \"Sanoma\", \"weight\": null, \"source\": \"\"}, {\"service_name\": \"Sanoma\", \"weight\": null, \"source\": \"\"}, {\"service_name\": \"Gemius Traffic\", \"weight\": null, \"source\": \"\"}, {\"service_name\": \"Google Adverts\", \"weight\": null, \"source\": \"\"}, {\"service_name\": \"Gemius\", \"weight\": null, \"source\": \"\"}]'; this.positions_weighted['head'] = false; this.positions['body-start'] = '[{\"service_name\": \"Sanoma\", \"weight\": null, \"source\": \"\"}]'; this.positions_weighted['body-start'] = false; this.positions['body-end'] = '[{\"service_name\": \"Adverticum AdServer\", \"weight\": null, \"source\": \"\"}, {\"service_name\": \"Google Adverts\", \"weight\": null, \"source\": \"\"}, {\"service_name\": \"Gemius\", \"weight\": null, \"source\": \"\"}]'; this.positions_weighted['body-end'] = false; this.positions['body-end-adv'] = '[{\"service_name\": \"Adverticum AdServer\", \"weight\": null, \"source\": \"
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